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Mais um alegre blog...?!

Enfeitado , disfarçando; traduzindo: as horas, o tempo que passa, inexorávelmente, e sentindo os sentidos da minha vida e de tudo e todos os que minha alma toca e abrange. Bem vindos a este meu Universo.

Mais um alegre blog...?!

Enfeitado , disfarçando; traduzindo: as horas, o tempo que passa, inexorávelmente, e sentindo os sentidos da minha vida e de tudo e todos os que minha alma toca e abrange. Bem vindos a este meu Universo.

Tiesto - Just Be




Dj Tiesto - Just Be lyrics
Artist: Dj Tiesto
Album: Just Be
Year: 2004
Title: Just Be    


I was lost and i'm still lost but i feel so much better

You can travel the world but you can't run away
from the person you are in your heart
you can be who you want to be
make us believe in you
keep all your light in the dark
if your searching for truth
you must look in the mirror
and make sense of what you can see

just be
just be

they say learning to love yourself
is the first step
that you take when you want to be real
and flying on planes to exotic locations
won't teach you how you really feel
face up to the fact that you are who you are
and nothing can change that belief

just be
just be

cause now i know it's not so far to where i go
the hardest part
is inside me
i need to just be

i was lost and i'm still lost but i feel so much better
[Just Be Lyrics on ]





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Janeiro 2008


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